we grow
we grow

La società

Together we grow

Chochoy Conseil è una società di esperta nella strategia aziendale multisettoriale

Partendo da una vasta esperienza nella strutturazione commerciale, siamo anche specializzati nella disaggregazione del valore con l’obiettivo di fornire offerte pertinenti, standardizzate e trasmissibili. La nostra metodologia ci consente di migliorare le prestazioni di indirizzo sul mercato e di ottimizzare i margini.

La nostra azienda, specializzata nella logica di disaggregazione del valore, ti consentirà di costruire offerte pertinenti, standardizzate ed efficaci. Chochoy Conseil tutela la propria proprietà intellettuale a livello sia nazionale che internazionale (INPI, EUIPO, ecc.).
Il nostro posizionamento unico e la nostra visione pragmatica nascono da una metodologia di approccio sistemico che tiene in considerazione il contesto nella sua interezza e nella sua complessità.

La vasta esperienza accumulata da Chochoy Conseil sia nel settore pubblico che in quello privato consente una connessione impeccabile tra questi due mondi.

«Il sapere non è sufficiente, dobbiamo applicare. Il volere non è sufficiente, dobbiamo fare» - Leonardo da Vinci

La società

I nostri valori


Possediamo una cultura della sfida e del superamento di noi stessi. Siamo ambiziosi e stimolati dal successo.


Con i nostri clienti sviluppiamo un rapporto di fiducia, orientato al lungo termine. La nostra missione principale consiste nel situare l’interesse del cliente al centro del nostro processo decisionale.


Più che un semplice valore, l’eccellenza fa parte del nostro DNA.


Coscienti dell’importanza delle nuove sfide, mettiamo l’innovazione al centro delle nostre strategie.


«È più bello trasmettere agli altri ciò che si è contemplato che contemplare soltanto» Tommaso d’Aquino


«Agire rapidamente e a livello globale attraverso l'imprenditorialità» è l'ambizione di Time for the Planet. Sosteniamo l’iniziativa di finanziare progetti imprenditoriali responsabili.

La società

In numeri




Paesi esaminati


Clienti che si affidano a noi


Investimento presso il nostro cliente

La società

I nostri partner strategici




Il nostro impegno al servizio del vostro progetto

Per la massima vicinanza alle esigenze dei nostri clienti, in un mondo in costante evoluzione, Chochoy Conseil ha sviluppato cinque aree di competenza sostenute da metodologie comprovate.

Le nostre prestazioni

Le nostre aree di intervento

  • Supporto per il lancio di un’offerta innovativa
  • Supporto strategico globale (metodo proprietario MSMKC)
  • Ottimizzazione dell’attività commerciale
  • Sviluppo di un’offerta globale per una maggiore efficienza sul mercato di riferimento
  • Creazione e gestione di una rete di distribuzione in Francia e a livello internazionale
  • Creazione di un ecosistema efficiente per lo sviluppo
  • Formazione in strutturazione commerciale (Qualiopi)
  • Supporto allo sviluppo organico tramite la nostra filiale Chochoy HR and Recruitment
  • Investimento di capitale tramite Chochoy Invest

Recensioni dei clienti


"Abbiamo scelto di lavorare con lo studio Chochoy Conseil nell'ambito dell'insediamento di Vinfast in Europa e in particolare in Francia, per il reclutamento di diversi profili, ma anche per la loro esperienza in materia di consulenza e assistenza globale all’impresa. I punti di forza di questo studio, che ci hanno convinti e che ci permettono di collaborare insieme, sono la professionalità, la reattività, la rete, la qualità dei consigli offerti e la loro strategia di assistenza a lungo termine della nostra società."

Testimonianza di Rémy AYBALY, Direttore dello sviluppo del marchio Vinfast


"Abbiamo scelto la società Chochoy Conseil per la pertinenza della sua offerta di sostegno al nostro sviluppo a livello internazionale; l'integrazione della nostra soluzione nel «pacchetto Smart City» offerto da Chochoy Conseil ci assicura l'opportunità di proporre i nostri servizi là dove non potremmo farlo da soli. Con Chochoy Conseil , abbiamo scelto la solidarietà e la coerenza per conquistare i nostri clienti export. "

Testimonianza di Philippe CHUSSEAU, Direttore Generale - Transway.


"Ho scelto Emmanuel Chochoy in primo luogo perché ha compreso molto rapidamente le mie richieste, perché ha canali di diffusione in una regione dove io non ne ho e perché ha una squadra dinamica che è in grado di portare il messaggio della Smart City. L'esperienza di Emmanuel è rassicurante sulla sua capacità di cogliere le sfide commerciali e di portarle all’interno della sua squadra da un punto di vista manageriale."

Testimonianza di David BELLAISCH, Presidente - Villes et Réseaux 3D.


"Grazie alla loro capacità di mettere in funzione la loro conoscenza e alla presa in considerazione delle nostre sfide sempre crescenti, i consulenti dinamici di Chochoy Conseil realizzano per AXESYS un’assistenza su misura allo sviluppo commerciale con un vero senso del servizio cliente. Forte della sua capacità di mobilitare i collaboratori, della sua flessibilità e della sua adattabilità alle nostre esigenze, Chochoy Conseil è più di un semplice fornitore; è il nostro partner strategico. "

Testimonianza di Jean-Baptiste KUDLA, Manager SSII - Axesys


"La squadra Chochoy Conseil ci accompagna, con grande impegno e talento, nello strutturare e mettere in atto operativamente la nostra strategia di sviluppo internazionale. Le loro competenze e la loro rete sono state decisive per diverse importanti opportunità commerciali, in particolare per quanto riguarda complessi appalti pubblici. Lavoro, ambizione e condivisione sono la base dei valori che unisce Chochoy Conseil e Lyko."

Testimonianza di Laurent BOUZON, Co-fondatore di Lyko


"Lavoriamo con Emmanuel Chochoy da molti anni e allora come oggi ritroviamo nelle prestazioni della società Chochoy Conseil le stesse qualità di cui abbiamo bisogno nelle nostre assunzioni strategiche. Comprensione delle nostre esigenze e del nostro contesto, efficacia e risultati. Consigliamo vivamente lo studio Chochoy Conseil per sostenere la vostra crescita."

Testimonianza de Christophe CABORET, Responsabile dell’ufficio tecnico Yanmar Europa

Centro Ospedaliero Universitario di Reims

"Abbiamo chiesto assistenza allo studio di marketing strategico Chochoy Conseil per avere la prospettiva necessaria per risolvere complesse problematiche operative che richiedevano l'analisi e la ricerca di soluzioni innovative. Le proposte di Chochoy Conseil hanno tenuto pienamente in conto del nostro ambiente e si sono rivelate molto pertinenti. Raccomando senza esitazione questo studio e i suoi metodi molto efficaci."

Testimonianza di Cédric GAROT, Direttore del Patrimonio, degli Acquisti e della Logistica presso COU di Reims


“Abbiamo scelto di lavorare con Chochoy Conseil per supportare la nostra crescita sia in Francia che a livello internazionale. Il metodo di indirizzamento da loro offerto si adatta perfettamente alla trasversalità degli usi tra le diverse politiche pubbliche delle comunità che la nostra soluzione propone, allo stesso tempo integrando pienamente l'approccio ludico nel quadro della Smart City. Inoltre, la collaborazione con Chochoy Conseil ci permette di strutturare il nostro approccio internazionale razionalizzando i costi di acquisizione. Apprezziamo la disponibilità dei team di Chochoy Conseil e la forza della loro proposta.”

Testimonianza de Jérémie SIMON, Cofondatore e Presidente di BALUDIK


“Le società Energisme e Loamics sono pienamente soddisfatte dei servizi offerti dal gruppo Chochoy Conseil. Raccomandiamo anche la qualità del supporto fornito. Attualmente stiamo collaborando con CHOCHOY a diverse gare d’appalto e possiamo dirci molto soddisfatti.”

Testimonianza de Thierry CHAMBON, Amministratore Delegato di ENERGISME


We have been working with Chochoy Conseil for two years, for the quality of the Smart City Galaxy offer and for its support towards major actors and partners of our area. Chochoy Conseil allowed us to better apprehend our ecosystem and helped introduce us to a relevant network.

Guillaume CAZENAVE, Co-founder and CEO of Two-i


Supported by Chochoy Conseil for two years, we are confident in the quality and skills of their teams to facilitate the global rollout of our Illiwap mobile application. First, we collaborated with the teams to develop institutional fact sheets that present our solutions in the Smart City Galaxy's catalogue. These institutional fact sheets are translated into several languages to increase visibility. We received support in commercial prospecting for quality and have also established a network and synergy with SCG's partners. Finally, we recently participated in the SWEWC at the Smart City Galaxy's stand, which gave us good visibility. We thank the teams for all the leads they provided. At Illiwap, we believe that combining innovative solutions is crucial to creating smarter cities.

Raphaëlle REYMOND Sales Director / Business Manager at illiwap


Smart City Galaxy

La squadra Chochoy Conseil ha creato l’offerta Smart City Galaxy, una costellazione delle soluzioni applicative più rilevanti per gli attori pubblici, sia in Francia che a livello internazionale. Ad oggi sono più di 8.000 le soluzioni che ci sono state proposte e che sono studiate presso Chochoy Conseil.

Smart City Galaxy

Il nostro quadro di riferimento

Capital Humano

Una squadra impegnata e reattiva

La nostra squadra professionale e dinamica possiede valori comuni e competenze complementari per rispondere al meglio alle aspettative dei nostri clienti in ciascuno dei nostri progetti.

Emmanuel CHOCHOY, Direttore Amministrativo
Pierre BURSTERT, Project Management Officer
Nicolas MAKSUD, Chief Operating Officer
Audrey LOTODÉ, International business development officer
Guillaume MANDOLINI, International Business Development Officer
Yann VELLY, Consultant in institutional language and pedagogical engineering and CEO of SYNCRETYS S.A.R.L
Margaux PAYSANT, Business Development Manager
Fanny TIERCELET, Strategical and Operational Marketing Officer
Kaoutar EL HAJAMI, International Business Development Officer
Marjorie LERIQUE, Marketing, Editorial and Communication Officer
Jérémie NESTEL, Director of Development for the France-Québec Energy Transition Economic Corridor/Ambassador for the Smart City Galaxy in Canada
Léo BENZIDANE, Business Development Support Manager
Çağla-Nur TOSUN, Marketing, Editorial and Communication Officer
Nisrine RAIR, PhD student in Artificial Intelligence
Quentin SEVIN, Graphic Design Assistant
Emmanuel CHOCHOYDirettore Amministrativo

Emmanuel ha ricoperto incarichi di direzione commerciale operativa in Francia e a livello internazionale per PMI e grandi gruppi e nei campi dell'aeronautica, della prestazione intellettuale e della Smart City. L'ispirazione di Emmanuel proviene dai suoi mentori, come Simon Azoulay (Alten), Laurent Germain (EGIS), Carmen Munoz Dormoy (EDF), Nicolas Maksud (Haïku) e Toru Kumon (Metodo di apprendimento KUMON). Premio CEDRE d'oro nel 2005, Reims Créator nel 2010, Ambasciatore della città di Reims ...

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Pierre BURSTERTProject Management Officer

Pierre has more than 25 years' experience in major industrial groups, and has distinguished himself by playing a key role in the dynamic management of innovation. He has held operational positions focused on innovation and technical product development, as well as activity management positions in design offices and project organisations, both in France and internationally. His project management experience enables him to provide invaluable support to project, marketing and sales teams, act ...

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Nicolas MAKSUDChief Operating Officer

Nicolas has 35 years of experience, including 20 years as an Executive and Program Director in the automotive sector. As a senior expert, partner in strategic and operational consulting, and also recognised as a technical expert for the French automotive cluster, he has supervised teams and projects and demonstrated his skills in leadership, technical expertise, and business model construction in the sale of services and products. He provides development support to Chochoy Conseil, adding his ...

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Audrey LOTODÉInternational business development officer

Grazie alla sua esperienza professionale in Cina, Brasile, Spagna e Inghilterra, Audrey si è specializzata nella creazione e gestione di reti di distribuzione internazionali. La sua capacità di adattamento, il suo spirito di analisi e le sue competenze interculturali hanno permesso alle imprese del settore dell'oceanografia, della sicurezza e dell'istruzione di aumentare significativamente la loro presenza internazionale. Ora sta orientando la sua esperienza sullo sviluppo delle Smart City. A ...

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Guillaume MANDOLINIInternational Business Development Officer

Guillaume began his career in commerce at an early age with 15 years of experience in various domains (B2B/B2B2C/B2B2G) in both large corporations (Orange Business Services, Adecco) and SMEs (EFICA, Promo-intex). He is a passionate entrepreneur who thrives in building new projects from A to Z. He has lived and worked in three continents for several years (Europe, America, and Asia for five years) in multicultural and international contexts. Guillaume's dynamism, adaptability, and diverse experi ...

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Yann VELLYConsultant in institutional language and pedagogical engineering and CEO of SYNCRETYS S.A.R.L

Yann is passionate about inventiveness and creativity. He possesses cross-functional skills to assist in the management of innovative projects, with a particular expertise in pedagogical engineering. As a lawyer and holder of the CAPI (Certificate of Industrial Property) from the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), his expertise in innovation extends from R&D and the creation of intangible value to research’s valorisation and personal data protection. As a teacher of public l ...

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Margaux PAYSANTBusiness Development Manager

Margaux chose an international career path, particularly in the United States and China, to gain an insight into other cultures and international business. Margaux has acquired skills in building high-performance distribution networks and mastering the entire value chain. Further to a rich experience in the wine sector, and more precisely in the Champagne industry, it is now assembling Smart City solutions rather than tasty grapes that Margaux will contribute to the enrichment of our ecosystem, ...

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Fanny TIERCELETStrategical and Operational Marketing Officer

Fanny joined Chochoy Conseil following her university studies. During her studies, she worked as a project manager for a social protection organisation. Thanks to this experience, which enabled her to develop her skills in rural areas, project management and relations with public and local players, Fanny now wants to extend her skills to urban policy issues, the retail sector and take part in the company's development. Curious and eager to learn, she enjoys discovering new areas and is lookin ...

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Kaoutar EL HAJAMIInternational Business Development Officer

Kaoutar is passionate about urban challenges as well as the transformation of cities. Currently Key Account Manager for Galaxy's Smart City solutions, she is working to develop smarter, more sustainable cities tailored to the needs of their residents. Thanks to her international experience, particularly in the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, she has been able to forge solid relationships with key players while contributing to large-scale projects. Prior to that, Kaoutar spent a year and a half at E ...

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Marjorie LERIQUEMarketing, Editorial and Communication Officer

Marjorie is passionate about the digital revolution, and she is thrilled to be now part of Chochoy Conseil further to her graduation from university. After various experiences in digital communication during her studies, Marjorie now uses her skills within the marketing team, developing her creativity and professional curiosity as Marketing, Editorial and Communication Officer. Marjorie graduated from the university of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in 2023 with a Master’s Degree. Proficiency ...

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Jérémie NESTELDirector of Development for the France-Québec Energy Transition Economic Corridor/Ambassador for the Smart City Galaxy in Canada

With over twenty-five years' experience in territorial community, Jérémie specialises in implementing digital and ecological transformation projects. He was project manager for the Salon de l'Innovation en Villes Médianes between France and Quebec for three years, and recently contributed to the creation of the Corridor Économique de la Transition Énergétique between the Hauts de France region and the Grande Mauricie region, with the Béthune agglomeration and the Quebec investment fund C3E. H ...

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Léo BENZIDANEBusiness Development Support Manager

With a strong international culture, Léo puts his energy and ability to make proposals into improving the efficiency of the companies he has worked for. With his ability to adapt, his pragmatism and his great curiosity, Léo not only uses the tools made available to him, but also adapts them to improve the businesses for which he provides support. Léo supports our company's sales activities in France and abroad. He brings us efficiency in the continuous improvement of processes in support of mar ...

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Çağla-Nur TOSUNMarketing, Editorial and Communication Officer

After university experience as a Junior Webmaster, Çağla decided to join Chochoy Conseil as someone with a passion for the fields of cybersecurity and web development. Thanks to her previous professional experience, she has been able to develop versatility and adaptability to all situations. Çağla puts her writing, communication and creative skills to good use at Chochoy Conseil. Gifted with analytical skills, she carries out the production of the company's projects with curiosity and seriousne ...

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Nisrine RAIRPhD student in Artificial Intelligence

Passionate by innovation and Artificial Intelligence new uses, Nisrine joined Chochoy Conseil to develop the future tools of the growing company. As a PhD student, along with the CReSTIC laboratory of the Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, Nisrine’s goal is to use Artificial Intelligence to optimise the company MSMKC© methodology during complex analysis phases. Nisrine graduated from La Rochelle University with a Master’s Degree in Informatics – specialized in data and will have a PhD in ...

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Quentin SEVINGraphic Design Assistant

Quentin began his career with our company through a work-study training, obtaining a Technological University Degree in Business and Administration Management. After acquiring versatile management skills in administration, finance and human resources, Quentin chose to redirect his career to follow his passion for visual creation. Currently studying for a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design, which he will complete in 2027, Quentin is specialising in the design of communication media, combini ...

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Approfondimenti & News


Forbes puts the light on Chochoy Conseil!
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The Smart City Galaxy is proud to sponsor Florian Warsemann
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Article - Time of a manager is a complex ressource
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A new press article in Ville Intelligente Mag!
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Article - Smart Rurality & SMARTbourg
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Article - The great value of a dynamic segmented frame of reference
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Video - Innopolis 2023 Round-Table
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Article - ACSES equips Reims Habitat with its connected lockers!
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Article - The Smart City Galaxy came to Nice
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Article - Chochoy Conseil to the International conquest
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Chochoy Conseil has the Jeune Entreprise Innovante status
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La Smart City version Baobab by Chochoy Conseil
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Article - Reims CHU chooses a Smart City Galaxy solution
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How to address the smart city to public actors in 2023?
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Innopolis Expo 2022 – The Smart City Galaxy with Chochoy Conseil
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Focus on our partnership with GENETEC
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[Matot Braine] Smart City Galaxy Reims 2022
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[Two-i Tech Talk part 2] - A global offer for the Smart City
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[Two-i Tech Talk Part 1] - The evolution of the Smart city concept
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[Matot Braine] The Smart City takes root thanks to Chochoy Conseil
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[Interview B Smart] - MaaS - Emmanuel Chochoy (Chochoy Conseil) & Laurent Bouzon (Lyko)
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Jakarta announces new MaaS scheme
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A huge ticket for Jakarta
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An engineering & consulting group from Besançon put a feet on Reims
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Chochoy sets-up a « pack » selling concept in Reims
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In Reims, these fifteen inhabitants are going to ponder a recovery plan
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Chochoy, a new recruiting agency paid on its results opens in Reims
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The Smart City Galaxy Congress 2024 draws to a close!
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Chochoy Conseil welcomed Egis!
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Smart City workshop!
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Margaux Paysant and Laurène Longuet at the AUDRR
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BIM World Paris conference
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The Smart City Galaxy was at the Lisbon Energy Summit
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📸 Throwback on the AMIF event!
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Chochoy Conseil was in Paris on May 22nd and 23rd for VivaTech!
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Event, meetings, projects!
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Audrey Lotodé made her way to the Middle East last week!
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Arnaud Robinet at Chochoy Conseil!
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Throwback on the Smart Travel event in Portugal
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Chochoy Conseil is at Municipalia!
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Intertraffic, ready to go!
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Smart City Galaxy by Egis at BIM World Paris
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A new event for Chochoy Conseil!
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It's time for Digital Spring!
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Throwback on the Futurebuild Conference in London!
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That’s a wrap on the Interchange Annual Conference !
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End of the ATEC Congress for Chochoy Conseil
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Grand Reims' New Year Ceremony
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Genetec and the Smart City Galaxy are strengthening their ties in Canada!
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🎬Throwback to the #SMCL23
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Chochoy Conseil was at the WNE 2023!
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📸Throwback on the 2023 Mayor and Local Authorities Exhibition
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Chochoy Conseil was at Milipol Paris
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That’s a wrap on this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress!
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📸 Throwback on the Spie CityNetworks seminar
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Let's go to the IBS exhibition and the SmartCity+SmartGrid Forum!
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📷Flashback to the Portugal Smart Cities Summit
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SMARTBourg in Moselle - by Spie CityNetworks
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IA and Territories Convention
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Throwback on the London Climate Technology Show
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👉 Throwback to the 2 days we spent at the Innopolis Expo Show!
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Chochoy Conseil at #VTCtourNord du 21 septembre 2023 !
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Flashback on #Ruralitic 📸
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Smart City Galaxy Congress Nice 2023 : the aftermovie 🎬
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About the AN2V's Night 📸
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The #SmartCityGalaxy Congress 2023 comes to an end 🪐
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The #SmartCityGalaxy 🪐 in Portugal and in the UK!
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The Smart City Galaxy 🪐 has received a warm welcome from Morocco
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Launching of SMARTbourg by SPIE CityNetworks
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Interchange UK (Birmingham)
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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux sur le thème de l’environnement et l’énergie
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Attractiv’idées – Le Grand Soissons
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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux sur le thème de la mobilité
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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux sur le thème de la sécurité
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Local Mayors and Communities Exhibition 2022 - Paris
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Smart City World Congress - Barcelona
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Presentation of the Smart City Galaxy by Egis - Rabat
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Presentation of Smart City Galaxy at BRIC - Brussels
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2nd European City Centre Conference - European Parliament - Strasbourg
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The UGAP seminar "Territories and mobilities"
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Smart City Galaxy powered by Egis Seminar - Lyon
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Smart City Galaxy at CIRB CIBG ! (Brussels)
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A look back at the solutions part of the Smart City Galaxy !
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Our first Smart City Galaxy Congress in France!
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Presentation of the Smart City Galaxy offer
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Exhibition for Mayors and Local Authorities
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SPIE CityNetworks conference on the Smart City
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We become a sponsor of the Gol de Letra France Foundation!
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Inauguration of our offices by the Mayor of Reims
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Cobrandz : Invitation to the merchandising and licensing fair
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Viva Technology : Meet the new actors in the economy of tomorrow
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We're joining French Tech Grand Reims community
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Webconférence : Stratégies gagnantes en entretien de recrutement



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